Thursday, July 31, 2014


Saying Goodbye is never easy.
Feeling that goodbye in your heart is much worse.
It leaves that sting that cannot be cured by anything but time. 
And still you'll never be the same after.

I've said a lot of goodbyes in my life. 
I've said; 
"Peace out", to bad habits
"Good riddance", to bad boyfriends and bad people
"See you soon, this isn't goodbye", to my family and friends at airports and places
and "I hope I never see you again", to awful people and places.
I've even said the most heartfelt real "goodbye" at the grave of my best friend who died in college.

But these often trivial, relevant and heartfelt goodbyes aren't the goodbyes I speak of.

Lately, I've I have been saying combinations of more permeant long term goodbyes. 
Hard Goodbyes
Final Goodbyes
and Downright Devastating Goodbyes

In one years time I said goodbye to my health and independence as I was diagnosed with cancer the first time. I said goodbye to myself for awhile as I gave my body, mind and some of my spirit away to be cured by science, by the grace of God and by faith. I never said goodbye to happiness or to love, but I said goodbye to life as I knew it. And I might have to say that terrifying goodbye again, if my health continues to worsen as quickly as it has been. 

I said a final goodbye to my dog, who in one years short time became my best friend. My companion while I was sick and alone homebound. The whole time I was sick and felt like I was dying, he too himself was sick and physically dying. I said goodbye to a beautiful Friend and a beautiful spirit who I truly loved. I never knew how much love could come from such a small creature, who was only mine for a short time. But we loved each other and understood physical pain together. It was one of the hardest goodbyes to this day that I've had to say on my own in my adult life. I still can't believe he's gone. 

I recently said goodbye to my dear Uncle who battled through a horrible, rare cancer. That left him in a state of pain that no man should have ever had to endure. I said goodbye to a man who has been a part of my whole entire life. I said goodbye with the heaviest heart as I knew his life was ending so prematurely. I said goodbye with mixed emotions of happiness that he would finally be out of pain and free and would soon be with his God. 
But I said a personal goodbye with heavy emotions of guilt and sadness. Sadness for his beautiful family and for my family. A goodbye with sorrowful guilt inside thinking; HOW THE HELL did I survive this cruel disease? As I see a man in front of me whom I barely physically recognize. 
Cancer destroyed the man physically I once knew, but never scratched the surface of the spirit of the man that I knew and loved my whole life. How am I here surviving day to day, as he lays all 90 pounds of him, left in the most unimaginable pain. 
It hurts my heart. It shatters it. It broke my heart completely in a beautiful way, when my Aunt read him a note I sent to him via text message telling him; That I knew he would be my personal cancer angel because we have a strong bond found only through this awful disease. I told him that I knew I would always be able to feel him with me, as I get ready to possibly fight again. He smiled and nodded. Agreeing to be with me always. 
This goodbye leaves me and my heart in shambles. Anyone who has fought cancer can tell you that when one of our own has a fight that comes to an end, that it hurts us in a different way that we just can't explain. Even when I hear of someone I didn't even know, dying from cancer it hurts for a moment, because I know how hard the fight is and was. 
This is the most temporal type of goodbye, I know I will see my uncle again, and in good health and in the most beautiful state possible. And even better I know that while on this earth he will be with me every step of the way. The last moment I had with him I saw his beautiful smile and that's what I choose to carry in my heart forever.
A goodbye that was a smile.

Jeffrey Lynn Calcara
May 8, 1955 - July 23, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014


In a world of war, DISEASE, sadness, and cruelty I just wanted to write down some nonsense for your reading pleasure. Funny helps, laughter heals, happiness is contagious and stupidity is freaking funny! 

1. I have had a permeant cough ever since radiation and from cancer. The only remedy I have found that really works instantly is; ALTOIDS!!! lol I eat them on the reg. People look at me weird, I cough and shove altoids down! I'm talking like a handful HAHA! NO I AM NOT a smoker!! Also the Tin is fun to keep junk in afterwards! I have gotten some really weird looks...

2. Lately my biggest hatred in life right now is FRUIT/VEGGIE stickers! LIKE WTF is the point of those? (I know, I know to scan them) but I can NEVER peal them off right and they are so sticky and then stick to my skin! I HATE THEM! I truly hate them!

3. So y'all, know my best friend Tracy, by now! Okay so he is a MAJOR NERD/GEEK enthusiast and attended the latest Fantasy Con. in his hometown last week. Okay LONGGGGG story short, when I was in his class he asked us to write a paper on our favorite movie and why. I wrote about RUDY the BEST movie in the world. It's one of my favorites because it's motivational, moving and a great story. Also my dad showed it to me when I was young and i'm pretty sure it's one of his favorites too! ANYWAYS TRACY being the BEST, best friend in the world Met the actor; Sean Astin who played Rudy, Samwise, and that weird pervert in 50 first dates, and the MAN gave me a message of well wishes, a cancer congratulations, and a happy birthday wish! I AM so happy and over the moon about this!!!!!!! How cool! I shall add this to my list celebrity encounters!

Lisa & Tracy
4. I am by no means judging anyone who has this lifestyle, but at the grocery store last weekend I saw a woman dressed in a full gothic, wedding dress, gown, with a GARLIC chain Necklace around her neck. I mean floor length, train, veil, gloves and black lipstick. Wandering around the grocery store asking men to marry her! bahahahahahahahhahah!! I'm sorry it was scary and hilarious!

5. I have been a cleaning freak lately, and I was going through old swim suits! OH MY GOSH! i cannot believe the lack of clothing I felt inclined to wear. This was of course before cancer, no obvious scars, and when I thought I was hot and at age 18-19.  But OMG I just sat there starring at these little bikinis and I just died you guys! Died Laughing! I could never wear them now! Grandma status! haha they have been washed and mailed off to another good home. To some else who can rock them!!

6. This is one is mildly *inappropriate* haha! So matt found a VERY old garbage bag of crap in the shed. In a garbage bin that wasn't ours. He lifted the lid and the WHOLE front yard instantly reeked! LIKE AWFUL! DISGUSTING stench! And our front yard is large, so imagine the horrible smell! Anyways I was worried for the neighbors etc, we bleached it and lit a fire in the pit to hopefully escape the smell. Anyways later on, I opened the door and YELLED at the top of my lungs; "OH MY GOSH MATT, IT smells like a DEAD MAN's VAGINA! out here!" haha and all 4 neighbors were present! haha bad moment for my quiet, nice neighbor, maturity, image. But hilarious and I secretly LOVED it and am still laughing about this!! I'm sorry mom you raised me better! LOL

7. When I was home in Olympia Washington, a very liberal, hippie(ish) town, that I LOVE. I was at the local farmers market WITH Matthew. And I kid you not this older couple behind us said, "Lesbians, just run this town now don't they...etc etc." OMG HILARIOUS! YES, I have short hair (because of cancer), YES I wear floral leggings, and YES I wear birkinstocks regularly (they're comfortable!), NO I am not a lesbian! I support the LGBT nothing against them at all, but i'm not a member! omg was this funny!

Floral Legging Display
I know all of this stuff is rather stupid more than funny! But I hope that you've gotten a laugh or two! And that while you were reading you remembered that there is good and funny in the world out there!  I am a firm believer positivity is the only way to live!
Love you!

Being Ridiculous in public