Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My cancer family

When I first got diagnosed I honestly had never heard of Lymphoma! I was like lymph nodes what???! And I actually didn't look up anything about the disease at that time! I was too afraid! Matt did though he has impressively become quite an expert on it and can answer most people's questions. Where as I didn't care to know anything that didn't really pertain to me! Coincidentally Matt has known 3 people before knowing me 2 with the exact same disease, diagnosis and treatment plan! I have been blessed to have met and talk to both of them!!!  I have also met so many wonderful people via the blessing of the Internet they have become my cancer family! I love each one of them!

Ben- where to start he is a freaking stud muffin! Like me he got the disease as a young adult! Not only did he beat it and is currently in remission, but once relapsed and went through hell getting a stem cell transplant! He is amazing and is so inspiring and supportive! He came to one of my treatment sessions and we laughed the whole time together! I love him! 

Dan-is another one of Matt's friends who is a survivor and that I got to meet over lunch! He got the disease as a young child and Matt actually got to go on his make a wish trip with him! He is a long time survivor now and is doing great! He was hilarious, very encouraging and really nice!

Lida- I met Lida online through a friend and found out that she lived in the same town as me! This woman is amazing and is a hardcore lukeiuma survivor! She hooked me up with a beautiful real human hair wig and had me over to her house when I was feeling better once! Now that I can't go out anymore, she texts me and loves me and is always planning something fun for us to do in the future! She's one of my best friends in town and has always opened her doors to me! 

Amanda- Amanda is another one of Matt's friends who is cancer survivor! She is from our town but currently lives in Boise! One of my favorite cities! She is another hardcore kickass lukeiuma survivor and honestly inspires me too! She fought incredibly hard for her life and is seeing the payoff now! Love her she is coming to visit in January I can't wait to meet her! 

Laurie- Laurie where to start! She is a sunshine, older sister, cancer warrior! She is so happy and inspirational! She loves Christmas too lol! I can't wait to meet her! She encouraged me to write and here I am! I love her! I don't even know how we met but I'm so glad we do and that she reaches out to me! 

Charlie-Charlie and I met via instagram and he is honestly another incredible friend! He is also hilarious and is a firm believer that humor heals!! From the get go he offered his support and love and texts me often to find out how I am doing! He is an army stud and just now is enjoying remission! His melanoma will never stop him! 

And finally my little sister and love...

Kelsey Grace- Kelsey and I met through Matt who found her through hash tagging on instagram! We have gotten extremely close and she is my little sister! We text almost everyday and just have found peace within each other because we can relate! She had the same diagnosis and treatment as I do, but had to go first and finished all her treatments before me! She is officially a new cancer survivor! Although her road to recovery is still long! Don't know what I'd do without this girl! She is someone I look up to and can talk to about ANYTHING! Love her so much! If there's one person in the world I could like tell Ellen (degeneres) to sponsor or have on her show to spoil it would be her! She deserves the best in life! 

I don't think any of these friendships are coincidental and I'm grateful for each one of these strong people! I love them all dearly! There is few people who know exactly what you're going through, but these people do! Many worried how I would find support and a support group with this disease but I have never ever worried about that because of these people! 

Cheers to remission guys and a long life cancer free!! 

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